Baghmara, April 03: In a shocking turn of events, what began as promises of prosperous employment has spiraled into a nightmare ordeal for sixteen unsuspecting youths from Garo Hills.

The ACHIK Krima Council of Southern Zone, Baghmara, has lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against Pijush R. Marak, accusing him of leading these youths into the clutches of exploitation under the guise of job opportunities.

According to the complaint filed by Sengbar A. Sangma, these youths were enticed with the promise of lucrative positions in Elenti Pvt. Ltd. Company, purportedly located in the metropolis Mumbai city showing GPS location at 18̊5855’2”N 72̊49’47.2”E with trust firmly placed in Pijush.

However, their dreams soon turned into a nightmare as they found themselves trapped in a harrowing reality treated as nothing more than modern-day slaves by the very company they were led to believe would pave their path to prosperity.

Despite desperate pleas for help, Pijush turned a deaf ear to their cries, callously ignoring their plight and abandoning them.

It is now feared that Piyush may have been operating as a broker (Agent), orchestrating the entrapment of these unsuspecting youths for the atrocious company.