Udayan Borthakur


The Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary houses a total of 8,200 waterbirds belonging to 56 species, including both migratory and residential birds, the Annual Waterbird Census revealed on February 6.

Jointly carried out by the Guwahati Wildlife Division of Assam Forest Department and Assam-based wildlife conservation NGO, Aranyak, the motto of the census was to generate data on birds and monitor the species for long-term conservation.

β€œThis census is an annual report that we have been compiling with the forest department for the last three consecutive years with active participation from all quarters,” said Alolika Sinha, a member of the NGO.

Around 30 people, including staff of the forest department and members of the NGO, and other volunteers took part in this census.

In the 2021 census, a total of 9,000 waterbirds of 58 various species was recorded in the Wildlife Sanctuary. And the year prior to that, a total of 64 waterbird species with more than 15,000 birds were recorded during the first Annual Waterbird Census 2020.