Shillong, April 16: A massive fire engulfed two houses to ashes on Tuesday morning in Mawlai Mawiong Umjapung, Shillong. The incident reportedly occurred around 8:30 a.m. The two houses belonged to Twintina Nongneng and Risuk Wanshong. The source of the fire was suspected to be an electrical short circuit in the electrical meter. The fire service rushed to the scene to extinguish the massive fire. Unfortunately, both houses were burned to ashes. Miraculously, the Bible remained untouched by the fire.

Shillong, April 16: A massive fire engulfed two houses to ashes on Tuesday morning in Mawlai Mawiong Umjapung, Shillong.

The incident reportedly occurred around 8:30 a.m. The two houses belonged to Twintina Nongneng and Risuk Wanshong.

The source of the fire was suspected to be an electrical short circuit in the electrical meter.

The fire service rushed to the scene to extinguish the massive fire. Unfortunately, both houses were burned to ashes. Miraculously, the Bible remained untouched by the fire.