Bernard Marak
BJP Tura MDC Bernard N Marak on Sunday sought the intervention of the education minister Rakkam A Sangma into the grievances faced by the students of his Rongara-Siju constituency.
In a letter to Sangma, Marak said that he had visited the minister’s constituency last week and discovered appalling conditions in most government schools, with many lacking basic infrastructure such as roofs, sanitation facilities, and drinkable water supplies. Additionally, essential items like doors, blackboards, and benches were missing, with some schools even doubling as goat shelters.
Marak also informed that the students of the area complained about the hardship they faced during rainy seasons as the hanging bridges which were their lifeline were all washed away during the 2022 flood.
“These bridges were not repaired till date which has caused immense difficulty to the students of the area during rainy seasons,” he said while adding “People lamented that such negligence will claim lives of the students who are compelled to swim across these rivers risking their life to reach school or simply miss school during rainy days.”
Stating that education in rural areas stands compromised, Marak said, “I would like to point out that even the rice supplied to the students through PM Poshan midday meal is substandard in some schools which is a serious concern.”
“I would like to request you to monitor and do the needful to enhance the facilities for the students as well as the teachers. I would also request you to clear the teacher’s salaries in time. This would benefit the students of the State and the government schools would rise to a considerable standard,” he added.
Further, the MDC alleged that the scholarship woes of the students have not been resolved to date and requested the minister to constitute a committee to look into the matter and to help the students to avail of the scholarship at the earliest as this financial assistance through scholarship is meant for the poor tribal students to assist them financially in the college expenses.
“Lastly, I was informed that the new textbook printing contract was given to a party which does not have a publishing house. If this is true, I would like to hear your justification in writing, as to me, education cannot be compromised any further,” he added.