Members of ASM, KNA observe 'Black Day' in Karbi Anglong on Thursday


The Assam Sanmilita Mahasangh (ASM) and Kuki National Assembly (KNA) jointly observed a “Black Day” on February 24 against the signing of the Treaty of Yandaboo, demanding resolution to the illegal immigrant problem in Assam.

The programme commenced with the hoisting of black flag by Matiur Rahman, working president, ASM, and wearing of black badges by all the protestors including Purnanada Rabha, secretary-general, ASM. It was followed by an open meeting.

In the meeting, the protestors demanded a resolution to the foreigner’s problem taking 1951 as the base year for detection and deportation of foreign nationals from Assam.

“Treaty of Yandaboo, signed on February 24, 1826, was a treaty between the British and the representative of King of Ava (the erstwhile capital of Burma). This treaty had overlooked the inherent rights of the indigenous people of Assam. After the treaty, Assam lost its independence to the foreigners,” ASM working president, Matiur Rahman, and KNA president, Tongthang Touthang, said in a statement.

The observance programme was as a mark of protest registered by various tribes including the Karbi, Dimasa, Kuki and Rengma Naga, among others, and was held at the KNA office complex in Manja, Karbi Anglong.

“The meeting resolved to urge the United Nations (UN) to send a team to study the issue raised by ASM and the indigenous people of Assam,” the statement said.

The programme was attended by Autonomous State Demand Committee (ASDC) president Chandrakanta Terang as the chief guest, Hills Tribal League (HTL) president Saising Rongpi as special guest, Kuki National Assembly (KNA) advisor Rev Fr S Singson, Dimasa Student Union (DSU) president Dhiraj Diphusa, Karbi Students Association (KSA) president Samson Teron as the guest of honours.