
By The Editor

Nations desiring to grow and prosper depend much on trade and commerce and for which roads are built for smooth transportation of goods. As business transactions flourish so also means and facilities are increasingly provided. Good relationship among neighbours is highly essential for trade and commerce which consequently boost their economy and ushers in wealth and prosperity. It is often said that no person can live in isolation for long and so also no country in the world can afford to grow without friendly neighbours. Not every country nor even every region within a country has the same kind of productive resources. Therefore, certain products of a particular country may exceed what people desire or consume whereas they may lack in other items. Hence exchange of goods between the two nations is needed and that is how trade and commerce plays a vital role which, therefore, calls for good and friendly relationship among countries which is also essential for peace and tranquility. Trade and commerce will surely grow if strategic points along the border can be identified and developed.

In order to promote trade and commerce between India and Bangladesh in the Northeastern (NE) region Dawki Land Port, Jaintia Hills district, Meghalaya about 55kms from district headquarters of Jowai and about 84 kms from capital city of Shillong is an important project. Corresponding land port in Bangladesh is in Tamabil just across the border which is located in Sylhet district which will boost not only business transaction between the two countries but also help in tourism sector which will generate handsome revenue. India and Bangladesh share similar cultural heritage but after partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 relations were strained which were however restored after creation of Bangladesh in 1971. Land ports hopefully will bring the two nations closer and nearer which will be helpful in promoting trade and commerce and facilitate passenger movement as well.

Dawki Land Port was inaugurated on May 4 by Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai in presence of Meghalaya Deputy Chief Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar along with number of officials from both sides. Rai stressed on the sense of brotherhood that India and Bangladesh share and is optimistic that ties will grow stronger which will help in growth and prosperity of both nations. The project was approved by High Level Empowered Committee (HLEC) of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on February 4, 2016. Land Port covers an area of 23 acres and total cost which include land cost of Rs nine crore and development cost of Rs 74.38 crore totaling Rs 83.38 crore. To meet projected cargo and traffic requisite infrastructure, all necessary facilities have been provided at the port. The Union minister also praised the dedicated service of BSF (Border Security Force) personnel in safeguarding the borders and protecting its people.