Sandondor Ryntathiang


A candidate of the Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP) Sandondor Ryntathiang, who is vying for the Sohiong seat, on April 25, said that statements and remarks made during elections have degraded to a large extent, most of which sound like jokes – to the point that words and promises don’t mean anything, anymore.

“Election speeches have degraded and many of the leaders have turn this into a joke and use the platform to crack jokes. Election is not a joke. I urge the people not to fall for such statements,” Ryntathiang said.

Referring to a remark made by Deputy Chief Minister and NPP leader Prestone Tynsong during his recent election campaign at Sohiong, Ryntathiang said, “I don’t agree with the Dy CM’s statement that the coalition partners (BJP, HSPDP, PDF and UDP) have to sit on the roof of their bus, while NPP steers the wheel.

“This is a coalition government; we can’t escape that but I appeal to the people of Sohiong not to fall for such statements and remarks that divide the people of the constituency,” he said.

Commenting on the sympathy wave that the United Democratic Party (UDP) is banking on, the HSPDP candidate said, “Choose a wise leader; don’t vote just because you sympathise with him or her.”