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Friday, April 19, 2024

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Friday, April 19, 2024

Greed Bleeds

By The Editor

Senseless and limitless over-exploitation of natural resources by unscrupulous and greedy persons to satisfy their never-ending hunger for wealth and prosperity is bleeding mother earth which in course of time may be left high and dry. It is indeed great shame that these inhuman bloodsuckers have no conscience at all and who do not think of their posterity and it is therefore high time for them to wake up from their deep slumber and repent their misdeeds before time runs out. Charles Caleb Calton  said, “Wealth, after all, is a relative thing, since he who has little, and wants less , is richer than he who has much, and wants more.” Sins committed by a few heartless humans is affecting the world to such an extent that the environment has been deeply wounded and people have to bear unpleasant consequences like climate change and its domino effect. Due to excessive heat ice and glaciers are melting at unexpected rate leading to rise in sea level beyond proportion this century and adversely affecting many mega cities including Chennai and Kolkata as well as Western Tropical Pacific island and the Western Indian Ocean according to latest research.

Study led by scientists at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and University of La Rochelle in France and co-authored by a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) said that natural sea level fluctuation due to climate change is posing alarming danger to low-lying regions and sea coasts. The team indentified several Asian mega cities that may face imminent risks by 2100 besides the two Indian mega cities mentioned above like Yangon , Bangkok , Ho Chi Minh City, and Manila. In Manila because of high coastal flooding the city will face great calamity in 2100 which is predicted to occur 18 times more often than in 2006 based solely on climate change . Scientist have warned that because of unpredictable and complex interactions in Earth’s climate system rise in sea level may be higher and for which precautionary measures should be undertaken as early as possible

India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that the country will receive normal rainfall in March, better that that in January and Febuary, which however cannot compensate for the deficit of previous two months. Government has to look out vulnerable sectors receiving below-normal rainfall like some parts of North-West India, West-Central India. IMD has warned of heat waves during March- May which may affect production of agricultural crops. Health is another subject which concerns citizens, especially children and women because of lack of proper water supply and insufficient healthcare system . Hence India must start preparations in right earnest.

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