Boko, April 01: Devastating cyclone and hailstorm has caused heavy damage in the Lampi area of ​​Boko along the Assam-Meghalaya border on Sunday night. The cyclone destroyed houses of more than 100 families in the greater Lampi area, especially in Oumsagar, Makaibari, Harshanagar and Lower Lampi areas.

The district administration has arranged two shelter homes at Makaibari and Lower Lumpi for about 180 children, men and women who were displaced by the storm.

Boko Revenue Circle Officer Dibash Bordoloi with support of the Lumpi village headman Krishna Sharma and the villagers have arranged for the accommodation and food for the victims.

Destruction due to the cyclone has left two seriously injured . The victims were identified as Bhima Roy and Radhika Chunar of Lower Lampi. The injured were admitted to Boko Primary Health Center overnight.

On Monday morning Arjun Chetri, General Member of Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council and Sumit Rabha, Executive Member of Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council visited the area and spoke to the victims.

A team from Boko BJP Mandal and Kamrup District Committee visited the Lumpi area and assured for all possible help.

Arjun Chetri, general member of the Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council, said such disaster has not happened in the Lampi area in the last 50 years.

The Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council has expressed regret over the natures wrath. Revenue Circle Officer Divas Bardoloi said doctors have been deployed in the shelters for 24 hours a day for any medical emergency in the camps. He also said that efforts will be made to ensure that the homeless people get assistance from the government so that they can reconstruct their houses at the earliest.