Tel Aviv:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Shin Bet intelligence agency announced on October 28, that they had eliminated the leader of Hamas’ aerial operations, Abu Rakaba. Abu Rakaba was responsible for overseeing Hamas’ drone operations, aerial detection systems, and hand gliders, according to a joint statement by the IDF and Shin Bet.

The statement also indicated that Abu Rakaba played a key role in guiding and executing the aerial operations on October 7, which resulted in a group of Hamas militants infiltrating Israeli soil and carrying out attacks.

Major General (Retired) Yair Ravid of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, reportedly stated that Israeli forces would continue their efforts to track down all individuals involved in planning and executing the October 7 terror attack on Israeli soil.

Abu Rakaba was considered a high-ranking leader within Hamas’ military operations, and the IDF appears to be focusing on targeting the Hamas leadership responsible for the October 7 attacks. (IANS)