Two bomb blasts took place within 6 months in Meghalaya’s capital Shillong, a place known for its peace-loving people and a destination for travellers where the busy streets are ever welcoming and safe for everyone.

The blast on January 30, 2022, occurred two weeks after the year-long celebrations for the 50th Statehood kicked off. Who could have thought that a place like the Khyndailad market or Police Bazaar could be targeted with IEDs? This has drawn flak from the opposition parties like the All India Trinamool Congress (AITC), which pointed at the incapability of the chief minister to keep the people safe.

From politics, extortions, revenge, and warnings, IED bombs have become a way of threat and exhibition of power in Meghalaya.

It seems people in the state are getting accustomed to bomb threats, not knowing when and where the next bomb would go off. Moreover, banned militant outfits like the HNLC are coming out in the open again, gaining popularity and even receiving support for their acts.

There has been no loss of life so far from the blasts, but such threats could be fatal in densely populated areas of Shillong, not to mention incidents that took place in other places of the state since 2020. Such a law and order situation creates unrest and fear among the general public.

So the big question now remains, how safe are the people of Meghalaya today?