Actor Kenny Basumatary


Kenny Deori Basumatary’s new film, ‘Ki Kowa Dosti’, opened to a phenomenal response during its premiere at Matrix Cinemas, Beltola, on Thursday.

Set to release on April 28 across Assam, ‘Ki Kowa Dosti’ is a heartwarming tale of seven friends who navigate through the highs and lows of living together in rented houses. From crushing on someone to dealing with unwanted guests and overbearing housemates, a tyrannical fitness trainer, drunk “friends”, stolen bikes, and much more, the movie showcases the adventures of three girls, three boys, and one new boy, who remain faithful to each other no matter what life throws at them.

The film features a cast of mostly fresh faces, including Saju Ahmed, Kaushik Nath, Dipjyoti Dutta, Jatin Das, Rupashree Phukan, Shruti Hussain, Rimi Deori, Arghadeep Barua, Kasvi Sarma, and Javed Akhtar. Each actor has brought their unique talent to the table, delivering a performance that will leave the audience in splits. Kenny has done an incredible job of showcasing each character’s individuality and creating a relatable world for the viewers.

Among the actors, Saju Ahmed is a well-known comedian, while Kaushik Nath has become a much-in-demand actor after excellent work in Bornodi Bhotiai and Local Utpaat. Dipjyoti Dutta and Jatin Das have played goons in Kenny’s previous films, but since they have matured into very good actors as well, he promoted them to heroes this time. The leading ladies are Rupashree Phukan, highly popular for her hilarious parts in sketches by Heavy Budget, among others, Shruti Hussain, making her big screen debut, and Rimi Deori, who happens to be number one under-18 don Bonzo’s sister. The cast is rounded off by singer-actor Arghadeep Barua, Kasvi Sarma (who played Tejimola in Bhaskar Hazarika’s Kothanodi) and Javed Akhtar of the popular Youtube channel Ene Olop G3.

The premiere of ‘Ki Kowa Dosti’ was marked with laughter and excitement, and it is no surprise that the movie is expected to be a massive hit. Kenny has a remarkable track record, having directed Local Kung Fu 1 & 2, Local Utpaat, and Suspended Inspector Boro. His previous movie, Suspended Inspector Boro, won two awards at the Assam State Film Awards 2018 – Utkal Hazowari for best actor and Poonam Gurung for best supporting actress.

When asked about the inspiration behind ‘Ki Kowa Dosti’, Kenny said, “I’ve always wanted to create something like Friends – a show that we can watch anytime from any episode, a world that we love, a friends’ circle that we would like to have. We shot ‘Ki Kowa Dosti’ as a series, but during the shoot itself, we laughed so much that we felt it would be missing out a lot to not laugh along with audiences in cinema halls. The joy of hearing people laugh is my favourite feeling, after all. So, we went ahead and made a movie out of it.”

Kenny’s regular Director of Photography, Suruj Deka, has shot the film on the Black Magic 6k Pro camera. Kulanandini Mahanta, who directed Emuthi Puthi, served as the Production Designer, while Poonam Gurung, who played the heroine in Local Utpaat, worked as the Costume Stylist. “This is the first time we’ve had a proper production designer,” said Kenny. “A production designer designs the overall look of a film, from the colour of the walls to the kind of props that’ll be in the frame. Thanks to Suruj, Kulanandini and Poonam, the film has a really rich, vibrant look.”

The movie also features guest appearances by a wide range of actors, including Bibhuti Bhushan Hazarika, Rubul Boro, Dr Jayanta Das, Gayatri Sarma, Nirupam Saikia, Yesashree Bhuyan, Bedabrath Borah, and Kenny DB Films regulars Bibhash Sinha, Utkal Hazowary, and Tony DB. Each actor has delivered a commendable performance, adding more depth to the story.

‘Ki Kowa Dosti’ promises to be an entertaining movie that will leave the audience in splits. With a talented cast and a brilliant crew, Kenny has created a world that viewers will love and relate to.