The Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) has expressed concern over the proposed power shutdown by the Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL) on Thursday amidst the online mode examination to be conducted by North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) for odd semester.

On Wednesday, the members of KSU Education Cell met DP Wahlang, Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the MeECL to shift the date of the proposed shutdown.

At the meeting, Wahlang told the KSU members that the date of the proposed power shutdown cannot be postponed and if it is done there will be an outage for days.

However, Wahlang said that he will speak to NEHU authorities to try and convince them to postpone the odd semester examination scheduled on February 3.

The KSU also held a telephonic conversation with NEHU Vice-Chancellor who told the members that if any student faces difficulties due to the power outage they should inform their respective college authorities so that alternate measures can be taken up.

The KSU said that on their part they have written to Power Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, Prestone Tynsong and Education Minister, Lahkmen Rymbui on the issue and hoped that they will find ways and means so that the students do not miss out on their examination.

The union also urged telecom companies operating in the state to provide better network accessibility so that the online examination can be conducted smoothly.