Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on February 24, trained his guns on other political parties accusing them of looting the state while promising development if the BJP were to rule the state.

Modi campaigned for the party’s candidates in Shillong and Tura for the February 27 Assembly Elections.

His first stop was at the state capital Shillong where he addressed a meeting at Khyndai Lad before moving on to Tura.

To huge cheers, Modi said, “They have treated Meghalaya as an ATM machine. For what? For their own benefit.”

Asking people not to be fooled, Modi said, “This kind of politics – especially dynastic politics in the state in the last few years has ruined the state but I am happy to say that Meghalaya and the entire North East are with the lotus (BJP symbol) now.”

He said the state has seen no development in all these years and urged the people to vote for the BJP if they want to see Meghalaya on the road of progress.

He said, the state lacks connectivity in the form of road, railways, airport and infrastructure, which are key to the development of the region, and the state government has always posed hurdles to bringing in such projects.

Stressing on change and ensuring that it will, he said, “India’s Act East Policy is a strong pillar for the development of not just Meghalaya but the entire North East. Through the Act East Policy, the Centre has been able to boost tourism and trade in the region.”

Seeking mandate of the people for the BJP, he said if the party were to come to power in Meghalaya, it would be easier for him to work closely with the state to bring in overall development.

Seeing the large crowd, Modi expressed firm belief that BJP will come to power in the state and said, “This time, the lotus will bloom in Meghalaya.”

At the Alotgre Cricket Stadium in Tura later in the afternoon, Modi said that opposition parties like the Congress were eager to see his passage in time, but retaliated, “each time Congress wishes to see my passing away, there are millions of Indians who pray for the well being of Narendra Modi. So I am blessed.”

The prime minister also spoke at length on the slew of projects initiated by the central government, beginning from roads and highways, to medical care and education and said the only way for Meghalaya to prosper was through the system of “double engine” government where the state and central government are the same.

He mentioned about the low-cost housing for the poor, the free rations and gas connections for the needy, educational institutions to uplift the tribal society, as well.

Earlier, on arriving in Shillong, the prime minister went to the State Central Library to pay homage to the three freedom fighters of the state – U Tirot Sing, U Kiang Nangbah and Pa Togan Sangma.

From the State Central Library, he proceeded to Khyndai Lad in a road show with a large crowd lining up both sides of the street, chanting “Modi, Modi” as the prime minister waved at them from the vehicle’s sun roof.

The party had made elaborate arrangements to welcome their leader even as stages were erected as different bands were playing songs as the crowd were awaiting Modi’s arrival.

Also seen lining up the streets were men and women dressed in traditional attires at various points along the road and traditional musical instruments.