CM Conrad Sangma


The government will be needing additional funds to restore the damages caused by recent landslides and flash floods caused by incessant rainfall in the state.

“After seeing the extensive damages, we realized that we need more funds (than what was initially estimated at Rs 300 crore),” said Chief Minister Conard Sangma, on June 27.

The chief minister said that initially, the state had estimated a sum of Rs 300 crore to restore the damages across the state.

“(When I met) the Home Minister Amit Shah, he told me that he would send a central team to ensure the assessment is accurate. I am happy that he had suggested that. Based on that, he had asked me to make a trip (to the affected areas) and when I went to the field, I witnessed unimaginable damages,” Sangma added.

The Chief Minister said that he has informed the Ministry of Home Affairs. “While we (wait for the central team to assess the damages), I have also asked my own department to assess the overall situation and restore some damages immediately which will not require support of the Centre,” he said.