Trinamool Congress (TMC) party leader and leader of the Opposition, Mukul Sangma, on February 11 slammed the National People’s Party (NPP)-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government for being insensitive and uncaring towards the aspirations of the people of the state.

Addressing a huge gathering at Mowkaiaw in West Jaintia Hills, Mukul launched a scathing attack at the Conrad Sangma led-MDA government on various issues, including squashing the aspirations of the youth of the state.

“In the last five years, we have witnessed a government that has surrendered our rights to Assam. They have systematically decimated the people-centric initiatives of the earlier government. They have betrayed the youth who have been looking forward to the available vacancies. Small-scale entrepreneurs and business owners lament that all businesses are grabbed by the people in power. Let us restore our past glory. Let us prevent the greedy politicians from transforming Meghalaya into a gamblers’ den,” he said.

Mukul also slammed the ruling dispensation for being insensitive toward the struggles and issues of the citizens.

“In the last five years, this government has not only neglected but has constantly given agonies to senior citizens, single mothers, farmers, etc. They did not increase the daily allowance of the employees as they were reluctant to provide money to the people,” he said.

“During my tenure, I revised the salary of the employees twice. For the old, infirm, and single mothers, a monthly pension of Rs 500 was initiated. The incumbent government is insensitive and uncaring, yet they dare to come and ask for your votes,” he stated.

Lauding the efforts of Meghalaya TMC Mowkaiaw candidate Lasting Suchiang, the leader of the Opposition said, “Our candidate is the son of the soil. When he expressed his desire to serve the people, I asked him the reason. He said that he wants to provide better quality education and improve access to healthcare. He wants to deliver sustainable development and livelihood to his brothers and sisters from the constituency. Our leader took the bold decision to leave his job and serve the people of the constituency.”

Urging the people of Mowkaiaw to extend their unanimous support, Mukul explained, “Our fight is against the power and authority, who wants to take away our land, our freedom, and our faith. TMC is the only weapon in our democracy that can fight against the incumbent authorities while NPP, BJP, UDP, and all other parties are partners in their agenda.”

Affirming to sweep the state in the upcoming elections, Mukul said that the ruling party is rattled and is using money to manipulate the elections.

“In Garo Hills, out of 24 seats, we are already ahead in 18 seats. They are so afraid that they are spending money left, right, and centre. Similarly, in Khasi and Jaintia Hills, out of nervousness they are throwing money. All this money has not come from heaven. This is people’s money which they are using now,” he said.

Calling the people of Meghalaya to come together in the fight against the powers that heckle the voices of dissent, Mukul said, “Let us form a government that will defend the rights of our people including defending our freedom of religion as we see the incidents across the country including Assam. Our fight is not against any specific candidates.”