Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, on December 5, announced that MBOSE is adopting the NCERT curriculum because of the advanced contents in subjects like mathematics, Science, and others, which will help the students of the state compete at the national level.

“The department and the government came to the decision to adopt NCERT textbooks because we feel that our children need to compete at the national level. The material and contents meant for class 6 were being taught at class 8 level in MBOSE, whereas in NCERT it is taught much earlier,” Sangam told reporters.

Sangma said that at the national level when different assessments are made, the NCERT norms become very important.

Reacting to those opposing the decision, Sangma said that MBOSE will be adopting the NCERT syllabus to adapt to the state’s own requirements.

“Therefore, we will be able to compete at the national level, courses will become uniform in nature, and assessment of students can be done in a much better manner,” Sangma said while highlighting the advantages of NCERT syllabus for the state.