District council court at Nongpoh.


A district council court was inaugurated at the office of KHADC in Nongpoh on Wednesday to ensure better accessibility and convenience for the public.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by dignitaries, including KHADC CEM Titosstarwell Chyne, Lamphrang Blah, Chairman of the District Council, Teibor Pathaw, EM Council Building, Grace Mary Kharpuri, EM Market, Jambor War, EM Elaka, Victor Rani, EM Arts and Culture, Balajied Ranee, MDC of Nongpoh, S Kharsyiemlieh, Judge of the District Council, village elders and leaders of Nongpoh area.

Speaking at the inauguration programme, Judge of the District Council S Kharsyiemlieh said, the district council court will help the Court bring close to the public adding, “Previously, people residing in the remote border areas of Ri Bhoi had to travel all the way to Shillong to address document-related conflicts but hopefully it will help the public.”

The aim behind establishing the District Court in Nongpoh was to provide proximity and convenience to the residents of the Ri Bhoi area. They can file their cases in the local court and present their evidence. This step enables people to address a wide range of issues, including land conflicts between the Khasi community, disputes arising from marital issues where the husband has abandoned his family and the children require financial support, and other criminal matters, as the court can now deliver judgments locally.