Mawlai Member of District Council (MDC) and National People’s Party (NPP) candidate from the constituency, Teiborlang Pathaw showered praises on the party and leaders for showing leadership in handling legislators, even if they belong to another party.

Pathaw had won the 2019 MDC election as an independent candidate, following which he joined the United Democratic Party and has now joined the NPP to contest in the upcoming elections.

“When I look towards the NPP government, the members of this party have shown me nothing but respect every time I voiced the needs and concern of my constituency Mawlai. They have always shown respect even if I’m not from their party, they respect the politician that I am, the politician who does not hesitate to cater to the needs of his people,” he said.

The MDC also stressed on keeping the interest and well-being of the people of Mawlai first.

Pathaw has also mentioned that after he was elected as the MDC, he had always thought about the ways in which he could help the people of Mawlai.

“Yes I did join the UDP for a while. As I moved forward in this journey, I realised that the ideologies I had to further better my service towards Mawlai did not align with that of others in UDP,” he said.

When asked about the allegations towards the NPP-led government, the candidate said that if one is to look at the achievements of government, it has fulfilled all the promises it had made in 2018.

He mentioned that the NPP leaders who have taken up the responsibility of bringing changes to the state have truly brought about many good changes.

“The people need to understand that this government has done a lot in 5 years, whereas the previous governments who reigned for 20 years could not do so. I truly believe that if the people put their trust in the NPP again, there are so many more things that the party can bring that would further better our state” he said.

He also highlighted that to put all the blame on the NPP is not right as the MDA government consists of more than just one party- the same parties who are contesting for the upcoming elections.

Pathaw said whatever the outcome – whether good or bad, these parties have to share the responsibility too because all decisions are not single-handedly taken by the NPP.

“If you say that NPP is bad, then who is good?” exclaimed the MDC of Mawlai.