Oil India Ltd (OIL), on March 12, denied that there there was any uncontrolled release of gas at Baghjan well no 31 in Upper Assam’s Tinsukia district.

There was a report in the media of the release of gas at Baghjanwell no 31 on March 8.

“Gas got released during the operations to enliven the well which was controlled in right earnest,” a spokesman of OIL said.

“Though adequate safety facilities are available at the site to handle such emergencies, OIL has additionally stationed a fire tender at the Baghjan area,

“ the spokesperson said.

“OIL assures the people of the area that their well-being, health, safety and the environment are on top priority. OIL accords the highest importance to safety standards and is equipped for faster response and early mitigation of any emergency,” he said.

To enhance its robust safety protocol, OIL has already launched a special project named KAVACH to bring in transformational change in its operating practices, he added.

On March 9, the residents of Baghjan lodged an FIR against OIL authorities in the wake of a report of a gas condensate leak from the oil well.

Several other groups also lodged FIRs against the oil major in addition to the local residents.

A senior official of OIL said that a technical problem at the suction pipe on the surface level of the BGIwell in Baghjan is what caused the gas released.

“The gas leaked as a result of a technical issue that was discovered as the well was being put up for production. Technical experts instantly stopped the leak after closing the well,” he added.

This incident took place three years after the May 27 2020 Baghjan disaster.