Poonam Pandey, on February 3, resurrected from the dead after her manager prematurely dug her a cervical cancer grave on Friday. The 32-year-old actor took to Instagram to confirm her pulse is still kicking. “I’m alive. I didn’t die of cervical cancer,” Pandey wrote on her video.

Addressing the confusion, Pandey emphasised her unexpected revelation with a heartfelt message on the platform, shedding light on the grim reality of Cervical Cancer. She said, “I feel compelled to share something significant with you all – I am here, alive. Cervical Cancer didn’t claim me, but tragically, it has claimed the lives of thousands of women who stemmed from a lack of knowledge on how to tackle this disease.”

Pandey continued to advocate for awareness about Cervical Cancer, stressing its preventable nature. “Unlike some other cancers, Cervical Cancer is entirely preventable. The key lies in the HPV vaccine and early detection tests,” she stated.

With a nod to the severity of the situation, she implored her followers to be proactive in preventing the disease, saying, “Let’s empower each other with critical awareness. Every woman should know the drill.”

Pandey wrapped up the video by directing her audience to a link in her bio for more information on preventing Cervical Cancer. She rallied her followers, stating, “Together, let’s strive to put an end to the devastating impact of the disease and bring #DeathToCervicalCancer.”

The unexpected twist has now sparked ethical debates on the tastefulness of faking one’s death for publicity even if it was for cancer awareness. While Pandey’s heart was in the right place, the questionable strategy has some wondering if the shock-and-awe approach is the best way to deliver a life-saving message.