Dr Moushumi Dey distributes certificates to 99th batch of computer trainees at RKM on Saturday


The certificate distribution programme for the 99th batch of computer trainees and the 38th batch of language students of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Cultural Centre was held at Shillong on April 8.

During the programme, the centre distributed 500 certificates to the meritorious students of Computer and Language trainees. Ramakrishna Mission, Shillong, trains about 6000 youths a year in Computer subjects, spread over five sessions.

The present convocation was for trainees of the February-March 2023 Session, the 99th batch of trainees, comprising about 700 youths from different parts of the Northeastern states.

Computer-Beginner: Longmai Gashnga, Computer-Intermediate Janak Chetri, Computer – Accounting:  Chiteej Kumar Ram and Laweibakordor Thongni, Database (Part I): Richarldy Dkhar, DTP – Mawanshwa Warjri, Web Designing – Deidaphi Kharmaw, Expert – Meba-ai Shisha Syiem. The student who topped the English course is Tuberlin Jyrwa. They were awarded mementoes.

The lone receiver of the Computer Gift Award was Ibansara Jyrwa who impressed all the students with her simplicity and achievement.

Dr Moushumi Dey, Lecturer, Women’s College, Shillong, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Dr Moushumi while addressing the gathering made the students feel that they are privileged to learn in this institute. She mentioned that we grow bit by bit in life. The institute and the students are growing together every single day with the guiding light of Maharaj and the teachers.

In today’s world skills-based education is much more important than just a school or college education. Hence being skilled in computer and Language is very important and can enable one to have a lot of job opportunities.

She also reminded them of the services done during the pandemic.

Lastly, she quoted the words of Swami Vivekananda “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached” and she inspired the students to keep this positivity throughout their life.

Earlier in his inaugural address, Vairagyachaitanya Maharaj, Deputy in charge of the institute, congratulated all the students and asked the youth to imbibe the ideas of Swami Vivekananda to be successful in life and hinted at the fact that man is the maker of his destiny. He stressed the need for education and encouraged the students to inculcate an entrepreneurial spirit rather than waiting for government jobs.

The entire audience observed a minute of silence in condolence of the demise of the author Sumar Sing Sawian, who was also the editor of the magazine ‘Kajingshai the light- à€œà¥à€¯à¥‹à€€à€¿â€™

Sri Tyrchain Phawa, Senior Teacher of the institute, concluded by thanking one and all involved.