Gavin Miguel Mylliemngap


Sohra MLA and People’s Democratic Party (PDF) chief Gavin Miguel Mylliemngap, on April 20, stated that the party is of the view that the roster system needs to be implemented prospectively.

Mylliemngap said, “The question here is not the implementation of the roster system, it is whether it should be retrospective or prospective. We understand that the state is not up to par in terms of managing its historical archives. Considering it would be extremely difficult to go back to 1972, the party believes that the roster system should be implemented prospectively.”

Further, he stated that the roster system must be implemented prospectively in order to move forward smoothly because it is difficult to implement on the basis of assumptions without facts. The Chief Minister also stated that he would bring up the issue at the MDA meeting, the cabinet meeting, and the all-party meeting, where each party would be given the opportunity to express their opinions.

It is a sensitive topic, therefore I implore the parties not to use it for political gain. To reach a consensus among all parties, we require a special committee to discuss the roster system. Instead of trying to split up the communities, we should remain a united front as people of the state,” Mylliemngap said.

When questioned if the previous authorities had been careless? He stated that we do not want to question the actions of our former leaders. We trust their judgement, and the most crucial thing is to enhance the state overall.