Youths, donning colourful, ethnic attires, presenting several traditional dances.


The annual festival of the Pnar people of Jaintia Hills, “Shad Sukra” concluded amidst much fanfare, on April 24.

Organised by the residents of Sein Raij at the Mynkoi Loompydiliongpiah field, Jowai, the festival saw youths, donning colourful, ethnic attires, presenting several traditional dances. Folk songs echoed from the field accompanied by traditional instruments and were presented by various groups and individuals alike.

On a concluding day, cabinet minister Kyrmen Shylla graced the occasion.

Held to welcome spring and pray for the blessings of the Creator before the new harvesting season by the community, this year, the theme of the do was “A Syiem Myntdu to Kit to Da Kam Ka Hukum Naduh Nachwa” which signifies the status of the river Myntdu, as one of the guardian angels of Jowai.

In a separate programme at Iawmusiang, Chief Justice of Meghalaya, Justice Sanjib Banerjee greeted the people and praised the people of Sein Raij for their endeavours to preserve the ancient tradition of the Pnar community.

‘’Ka Chad Sukra is an expression of the uniqueness of the Pnar people while enhancing the richness of their cultural heritage with immense diversity, ‘’Banerjee said.

WWO-Sein Raij Jowai, Shlem Ki Sur Tynre Shangpung, Lumiohkjam, Sein Tylli Lang, Seinraij Shillonv, Chilliangraij, iongpiah, Tpep-Pale, Lumkyrwing, Umchiangiar, Dulong, Seinraij Ummulong and Panaliar among others participated in the cultural performances.