Staff Reporter


The Sur Ka Bri U Hynniewtrep (voice of the people) rejected the report of the One Man Commission of Inquiry headed by Justice T Vaiphei on the death of former Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC) leader Cheristerfield Thangkhiew.

Speaking to reporters at Rilbong junction on September 9, leader of the organisation, Donboklang Kharlyngdoh said, “We are making it categorically clear that we will not accept the report, though we have not studied it thoroughly.”

He said he found the report to be incomplete, and showing reporters blank spaces, he alleged that names of those involved were removed.

“The names of those involved were removed. Look here, it is blank. Names of witnesses are also removed. There are bits and pieces that are still missing,” he said.

The organisation has demanded that a fast track court should handle the case instead.

He referred to the statement made that there was thoughtless and excessive use of power during the killing of Thangkhiew and that the CM will call the tactical team for an explanation.

In this connection, Kharlyngdoh said he found calling the tactical team for an explanation, unacceptable.

Doubtful of the government’s attitude, he said that the government often book members of pressure groups under various sections of the law if they apprehend outsiders.

Meanwhile, another member of the organisation, Marbud Dkhar was disappointed as names of the people involve and witnesses were removed.

“We want an honest enquiry. This is unsatisfactory, not factual and the report was tampered with,” he said.

Asked about the organisation’s next step, Kharlyngdoh said that they will sit for a meeting to decide the next course of action.