Popular Front of India | IANS

By The Editor

Dissatisfied with right-wing policy of Narendra Modi government at the Centre and terming it as ‘fascist regime’ certain groups become restless and try to foment troubles across the country. Most active and vehement is the Popular Front of India (PFI) which recruits members from the biggest religious minority group who feel insecure and threatened at the growing strength and popularity of the RSS. That PFI is communal outfit is well known but question was why Modi government kept quiet and refused to take action all these years. With assembly election in BJP-ruled state of Gujarat approaching and challenges from Aam Admi Party (AAP) quite formidable, Modi plans to take advantage by playing the “Hindu-Muslim” divide to gain sentiments and sympathy of the majority community. So on September 22, government decided to strike by conducting simultaneous raids in 15 states over terrorism funding charges and alleged support to terror activities. Multi-agency operation spearheaded by National Investigation Agency (NIA) led to arrest of 106 activists of PFI, maximum number of arrests being in Kerala (22) followed by Maharashtra and Karnataka (20 each), Tamil Nadu (10), Assam (9), Uttar Pradesh (8), Andhra Pradesh (5), Madhya Pradesh (4), Puducherry and Delhi (3each) and Rajasthan (2). PFI was formed in 2006 in Kerala and headquarter in Delhi with objective of promoting welfare and development of marginalised sections in India which however law enforcement agencies accused it of promoting radical Islam. While Delhi considered the outfit as dangerous the Left government in Kerala was tolerant because it was eyeing vote bank.

Meghalaya is surrounded on the north and east by Assam and on the south by Bangladesh. From security point of view of such activists are posing danger to the state and hence law enforcement agencies should be constantly alert and vigilant before situation becomes worse. All these top activists of our neighbouring state hail from Hatigaon, Barpeta, Baksa and Nagaon of lower Assam and the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) of Kamrup Metro has remanded them to five-day police custody for further investigation. It was reported that PFI activists have been actively involved in arousing members of religious minority community with communal overtones to protest against government’s policies which include Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Register of Citizens (NRC), etc. All these anti-national activities were justified by these perpetrators as an attack on Muslim community.

PFI leaders incited their people and preached hatred against government by taking up issues which occurred outside the state and exaggerating them so as to stir emotions and sentiments. They have been defying government orders and using all types of means to divide society along religious lines and obstruct government in executing its policies and programmes. These unscrupulous elements are always taking advantage of every situation which they deem fit and will not hesitate even to resort to force and crime. Meghalaya has been able to maintain cordial relationship with its neighbours during all these years though at time some troubles arose due to misunderstanding and rumour-mongers. Government should be vigilant and take prompt action.