The Meghalayan Photos


Covid cases in the state have no doubt gone down, but the state government lifting all restrictions is a serious cause of concern for all. Educational institutes, shops, restaurants, theatres etc are all open with strict directions to follow all protocols. It is appalling to see the scenes when one walks around Laitumkhrah or PB. It is as if the state has zero Covid cases. No one is bothered to maintain social distancing or wear their masks properly. Can this be the calm before the storm? Kids can be seen buying from roadside vendors, who are mask-less and without gloves while handling snacks. Taxi drivers, shopkeepers and those owning businesses which require frequent interaction with people are also breaking every protocol written in the book!

We somehow seem to have forgotten that the past two years have been a nightmare for everyone, with many losing their jobs and their livelihood, and it should have served as a good lesson for people. To add to this, there are many groups protesting against vaccination, wearing of masks and Covid tests hindering the government’s effort to achieve total vaccination in the state.

When will we learn that easing of Covid curbs is mainly to help the state’s economy back on its feet and also, to some extent, return of normalcy in our lives? If things continue as they are, more Covid deaths and lockdowns will be inevitable.

Ibashisha Dkhar, Shillong