Tripura Agriculture Minister Pranajit Singha Roy flagging off a consignment of queen pineapples for Delhi.


The Tripura government exported six metric tons of queen pineapples to Delhi on June 25, with Agriculture and Farmers Welfare minister Pranajit Singha Roy flagging off the truck carrying the fruits.

Roy said that the demand for queen pineapples has increased significantly and it is not only in India but in other countries as well.

“Queen pineapples are not new in Tripura, but due to lack of marketing, people of the country were not aware about this variety of pineapple. After we came into power in Tripura, the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, on June 7, 2018 declared the queen variety of pineapple as the state fruit of Tripura. Since then, we have started exporting this pineapple to other states of our country along with Dubai and Qatar. Due to Covid the exportation was disrupted but today we have exported 6 MTs of the pineapple to Delhi,” he said while speaking to reporters.

He further said that the state will continue to export queen pineapples till August, and after that they will start exporting Kew pineapples.

“Apart from these, we have exported the pineapples through airways as well. Till August we will send queen pineapples then exporting of Kew will begin. Our government is working for the development of farmers and this is why not only pineapple but also lemon and jackfruits are being exported to other states,” the minister said.