Newly born Royal Bengal tiger cubs


The Assam State Zoo-cum-Botanical Garden in Guwahati has become home to two new Royal Bengal tiger cubs, after a tigress gave birth to them on February 3.

It was informed that with the new cubs, the Royal Bengal tiger population at the zoo has gone up to nine, and proper care is being taken to ensure their healthy breeding.

Assam State Zoo DFO Ashwini Kumar informed that the mother, Kazi, and the cubs are in fine fettle, with zookeepers taking all precautionary measures to protect them from the biting cold by ensuring adequate warmth inside the enclosure.

Assam’s principal chief conservator of forest (PCCF) Amit Sahai said the mother is being provided with a nutritious diet “Around 6-7 kg of meat is being provided to the mother along with other veterinary prescribed food,” he added.

Sahai also exuded optimism that the zoo would be able to attract more visitors given the arrival of the two new inmates.

Meanwhile, the forest authorities have requested environment and forest minister Parimal Suklabaidya to come up with names for the newly born cubs. Suklabaidya has given names to quite a good number of animals in the zoo and they have become popular.