The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), Shillong, on September 10, concluded its month-long foundation day programme by organising a prize distribution ceremony to recognise kids and school children who participated in various competitions over the past one month.

The programme was graced by Pynthorumkhrah legislator AL Hek as chief guest in presence of Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) spokesperson, Mariahom Kharkrang, and other dignitaries.

Speaking on the occasion, Hek commended the VHP for organising the programme, and said that Shillong is a perfect example of communal harmony, where Durga Puja is celebrated with equal enthusiasm as Christmas.

“A person should keep religious differences aside and be a good human first. As the saying Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam goes, we are all one, and should remain like that,” Hek said.

Likewise, one of the VHP members stated that the month-long programme was intended to bring in people and communities together and unify them through various activities.

“We wanted kids to come in large numbers and take part in these competitions, which in a way paves way for them to exhibit their skills. As an organisation, the VHP will always work towards betterment of the society,” the member said.

During the programme, prizes were distributed to winners of Arts, Fancy Dress, Quiz, and Dahi Handi competitions that were held in Shillong during the last one month.

The winners of all these competitions, as well as participants were rewarded with mementoes and certificates in both individual and group categories.

The programme also recignised Bajrang Dal, Matri Shakti, Durga Vahini for their contributions and active participation in all kinds of activities.