The new Sordar Pilarstone Syiem Nongshai has been appointed to hold the berth.
The representative of the Synjuk ki Nongsynshar Shnong Raid of Nongpoh Elaka Sirdarship today informed that the present Sordar of the Elaka Wanphrang Syiem Nongshai has been suspended and the new Sordar Pilarstone Syiem Nongshai has been appointed to hold the berth.
Informing the media, Lyngdoh Raid of Nongpoh, Jedwin Lyngdoh, said that the reason for terminating the Sordar is due to his involvement in activities that are against the norms of the Sirdarship, and frequently, complaints against this involvement of the previous Sordar have been received from different quarters.

He also informed that the Synjuk ki Nongsynshar Shnong of Nongpoh Sirdarship, which includes Raid Nongpoh, Raid Nongkharai, Raid Nongkhrah, Raid Nonglyngdoh, Raid Nongkyrla, and Raid Sohkhwai, has lodged the complaints to the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council, urging the authority to take important steps against the previous Sordar after the notification for terminating the Sordar has been taken.