Assam Urban Affairs and Irrigation Minister, Ashok Singhal, said on March 1 that human-made carbon emission needs to fall and that we need to work towards it from today itself to reach net zero emission by 2070.

“Global warming and climate change are the creation of human beings. Human activity is the cause of increased greenhouse gas concentrations. Over the last century, the burning of fossil fuels has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This increase happens because the oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make carbon-dioxide,” Singhal said while launching the Altigreen Retail Experience Centre of Green Valley Autoworks LLP at Jaya Nagar.

“The weather we notice today is like the weather of April way back 20 years. This hot weather is only because of climate change. We human beings are responsible for such a change. But it is a good sign that now people, world leaders have realised about the ill effects of climate change in the world.

“On November 1, 2021, at the UN Climate Summit COP 26 in Glasgow, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji had announced that India would achieve the net zero emission target by 2070, a rather ambitious deadline, which according to experts would require no additional greenhouse gases emission into the atmosphere. We have to make a joint effort to achieve the goal. It is a question of the survival of humans. If there is no oxygen, nobody can survive.

“Today I conducted an aerial survey on drains and water bodies of Guwahati city. There is no proper drainage system in the city. All drains are blocked by garbage. The garbage produces carbon-dioxide. So pollution level is going up here. There is flash floods in the city as there is no proper drainage. Now we are working to clear all drains and water bodies.

“There is talk of using green energy as an alternative source of power. The electric vehicle will also reduce the carbon level,” he said while appreciating the initiative of electric vehicles in the city.

The new retail experience centre was launched by the country’s leading commercial electric vehicle maker Altigreen.

This is the 22nd retail dealership of the company in the country, following the launches in major metros like Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore.

The new dealership in Guwahati will allow EV enthusiasts to access Altigreen’s range of electric cargo vehicles. Altigreen opted to partner with the best in Guwahati – Green Valley Autoworks LLP.

With the launch of this retail dealership, Altigreen is focussing on providing its consumers with an enhanced and never-seen-before experience with world-class and modern infrastructure. Every element of the dealership has been designed to lend a welcoming feel especially to the autorickshaw drivers walking in out of curiosity.

Speaking on the occasion, Altigreen founder CEO Dr Amitabh Saran said, “We are very grateful for the opportunity to make Guwahati a cleaner, greener and pollution-free place. Green Valley has decades of experience in the automobile and logistics business which will be very helpful in strengthening its EV reach across the state. Altigreen would continues to offer the best-suited EVs for Indian cargo and passenger mobility needs.”

Group director of Green Valley Group of companies, Richa Goswami added, “We are happy to contribute to the government’s dedication to promoting environmental sustainability, as stated by the finance minister in the budget 2023-24. The State government is targeting at phasing out all fossil fuel-based commercial fleets, government vehicles, and logistics vehicles in all Assam cities by 2030. We are very proud to begin our partnership with Altigreen and support them in their mission of accelerating carbon-free transport while making it accessible and affordable.”