82-year-old woman found living in house with corpse of son for 8 days in Agartala

Agartala, Mar 5: Horrifying but true, a 82-year-old disabled woman was found living in a house in Agartala with the body of her dead son for the last eight days.

According to reports, the old woman who is bed ridden for many years was helpless to seek help due to her condition.

According to police, Kalyani Sur Chowdhury lived with her son Sudhir, 54 after her daughter-in-law left the house about three years back following a family dispute.

Talking to reporters, Mrinal Paul, officer-in-charge of the Maharagang Bazar police outpost said, “The neighbours informed us after getting a foul smell from the house. We immediately went to the house and broked the door in the presence of an executive magistrate and found a body of a man on his bed and his aling mother was sleeping in another room,”.

“The aling woman, who is paralysed was taken to a nearby health centre. She was living in another room of the house. We have found empty bottles of alcohol were from the room in which the body was recovered,” said the police officer.

He said, “We have not found any injury mark on the body. We suspect the man died due to excessive consumption of alcohol. The body has been sent for postmortem and after getting the report we will know the exact cause of his death.”