Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma Friday informed that the state government has floated a tender for the construction of footpaths and drains at the Iewduh market.

Speaking to reporters, Sangma thanked the NEC for considering sanctioning Rs 10 crore for renovation of the Iewduh market.

“We are happy to announce that the state government has initiated the process and Rs 5 crore tender has already been floated for the improvement of the ‘nalas’ and footpaths in Iewduh. It has already started so NEC’s sanction, if it comes through it will be a great help to us,” he said.

He said the government will also get funds from special assistance on capital investment for the revamping of the oldest traditional market in the state.

“The first phase has already been tendered. We should be allotting the work in a week or ten days time and hoping that the footpath and ‘nala’ construction will start in Iewduh. Whatever additional funds NEC is supporting us with, we will be happy to utilize that also,” Sangma added.