
From missing fishes to non-utilisation of funds to the extent of lower rung employees engaged in corruption speaks volumes of the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council and its efficiency. The Sixth Schedule under Article 244 gives the Constitution of India to establish autonomous district councils, however today they present a sorry state of affairs and the way the respective district councils across the state are currently functioning resemble zombies. For instance, the SAG funds wherein an RTI was filed at the JHADC revealed the stink and misleading information pertaining to the alleged misuse of funds. There have been times when some MDCs treated the district council and the funds as their own house and money. Today let us understand that while crucial bills are still left pending, for example the land bill which is still stuck within the corridors of the government, the elected MDCs have no idea what lies ahead and have no vision for the people they asked for votes. This is why we find many voices calling for the doing away of the ADCs due to their mismanagement and lack of proper functionality. It is only when the very members understand the importance of the ADCs in the day to day lives of the people can they wake up, but when will they wake up is a big question mark?

Dominic Stadlin Wankhar