The Meghalaya State Commission for Women (MSCW) has expressed shock and condemnation on the horrific incident that happened in Manipur some two months ago, where two tribal women were stripped, groped, and made to walk down a road towards a field by a frenzied mob of men and allegedly sexually assaulted in a nearby field.

The incident came to light after it went viral on social media on July 19, sparking nationwide outrage and shock; 24 hours after the video, police claimed to have nabbed four accused so far.

“We are thankful that the National Human Rights Commission and the Supreme Court have taken cognizance of this shameful act. The Chief Justice of India has rightly stated that ‘using women as an instrument to inflict gender violence is deeply, deeply disturbing,” a statement issued by MSCW on July 21 said.

The Commission has urged the centre and state government to take immediate action against those involved in this horrific act of human depravity that threatens the dignity and safety of every woman and child of this nation.

“Any act of violence committed to outrage any woman’s modesty is not acceptable in a constitutional democracy. We are saddened to see this gross violation of Human Rights especially of minorities and the vulnerable,” the statement read.

The MSCW anticipates that such acts are not committed anymore in the future and wishes Manipur peace and stability.

The Commission also urged the concerned authorities to ensure that all victims of this ethnic clash that has been going on for nearly three months are given necessary help and rehabilitation.

It also extended its condolences to those families who have undergone unspeakable trauma and injustice through this entire unfortunate ordeal.