Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma


Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, on June 21, said that the government is actively seeking an Expert Committee that comprises members who are both balanced and neutral in nature, in order to ensure a fair and unbiased assessment of the reservation policy.

Sangma said, “The search committee has already gone through a number of names…. but obviously, we want a very good panel of names so that we are able to come up with a good committee, one that is balanced, neutral, and independent in nature so that a proper report comes out of it.”

He emphasised that the composition of the committee would not be limited to individuals solely from within the state.

“The quality and qualification of the individual and the capacity will be the top criteria for us, and if there is a balance that has to be made, then we will look into that aspect as well,” he said.

The Expert Committee’s primary task will be to critically examine the existing reservation policy and make recommendations for potential improvements or modifications.