KHADC CEM Pyniaid Sing Syiem speaking during the during the Summer Session of the council on Saturday


The Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC), on June 24, passed an official resolution to urge the union government to not implement the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) within the 6th Scheduled Areas.

The resolution was passed during the ongoing summer session of the council inorder to safeguard and protect the interest of the indigenous people as provided under the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

Speaking on the matter at the session, Chief Executive Member (CEM) Pyniaid Sing Syiem argued that the unique identity of the indigenous tribes should not be affected by the UCC

“We are unique in a sense that we have a rich cultural tradition and practices in terms of land ownership, having traditional heads that look after the welfare of the community, we also follow a matrilineal system, we also need to protect our language,” he said.

He referred to Article 244 (2) of the Indian Constitution and Article 275 (1) of the Indian Constitution. According to him, the implementation of UCC will do away with the customs, practices, traditions of the indigenous people.

Leader of opposition and United Democratic Party MDC Titostarwell Chyne said that the UCC will affect the system of inheritance of the tribals and religious freedom enjoyed in the state.

He suggested that the Council should write to the Law Commission which is still seeking views and opinions on the matter.

Deputy CEM and Congress MDC Pynshngainlang N Syiem said, “It is the right time for the KHADC to come up with all the facts before the Law Commission and government of India on what are the grounds, we oppose it.”

After all the members had spoken, the CEM informed that the Executive Committee will follow up with the Government of India and the National Law Commission, which is seeking views, suggestions from various stakeholders on the UCC.