The Meghalaya College Teachers Association (MCTA), on September 11, met the Vice Chancellor of North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) demanding the withdrawal of the July 12 notification for implementation of NEP in all colleges affiliated to NEHU.

β€œWe spent around 3 hours discussing the NEP issue. The focal point of the meeting was that the university should withdraw the July 12 notification for NEP implementation in the state, wherein we were informed that the notification will be taken up for discussion in the next academic council meeting which will be held sometime in October or November,” General Secretary of MCTA, AW Rani told media persons.

He said that the MCTA highlighted two aspects of the NEP during the meeting, one was the technical part and the other was the academic part.

β€œWith regard to the technical issue, we pointed to the VC and his team that the notification was having a technical flaw, and the notification was never passed to the academic council for discussion,” Rani said.

β€œThe second part of the discussion was basically on the problems and implications associated with implementing NEP without deliberations. Infrastructure, faculties, orientation of teachers, the increase in fee structure and others are the problems that the university has to look into before giving NEP a go ahead,” Rani added.

Rani informed that the MCTA will continue with the strike, as the VC has rejected the Association demand to withdraw the notification.