Traditional healers in Ri Bhoi district witnessed a moment of joy and support as the State government provided financial assistance for the construction and inauguration of the Meghalaya Traditional Healing Clinic in Pahamsyiem, Ri Bhoi. The clinic will be overseen by the Ri Bhoi Traditional Healer Association (RBTHA).

The inauguration of the traditional clinic was graced by Ampareen Lyngdoh, Minister of Health, in the presence of Mayral Born Syiem, MLA of Nongpoh, Dr. C Lyngdoh, MLA of Umsning, Balajied Ranee, MDC of Nongpoh, Gunaka DB, Joint Secretary of the state, and Members Secretary of BRDC, along with the leaders of RBTHA, including Jasper Manih, President, and Ellington Syiem, Secretary, as well as traditional healers from Ri Bhoi and across the state.

The construction of this traditional clinic, focused on medicinal plants, was made possible through a funding of 8 lakhs from the Department of Bio-Resource Development Center, Shillong.

Jasper Manih, President of RBTHA, expressed the long-standing dream of Khasi healers to preserve traditional treatments, especially the knowledge of medicinal plants, passed down by their forefathers. They are deeply committed to ensuring that this ancestral wisdom is not lost and that traditional healing methods continue to thrive.

The MDC of Nongpoh emphasised the crucial role of the District Council in promoting traditional healing and pledged support for the initiative to raise awareness about traditional healers.

Mayralborn Syiem and C Lyngdoh, MLAs of Umsning, acknowledged the value of traditional healing alongside modern medical treatment. They encouraged patients to seek traditional remedies for certain ailments and advised collaboration between traditional healers and hospitals for comprehensive healthcare.

Ampareen Lyngdoh, the Chief Guest at the event, expressed her delight at the establishment of the clinic and urged the association to unite all traditional healers under one umbrella to revive traditional treatments. She emphasised the importance of cleanliness in traditional healing practices and pledged to work with BRDC to ensure the clinic’s continued service to the public in maintaining their health.