The Arts & Culture department has launched a five-day workshop titled ‘Nokpante,’ focusing on film making, theatre, traditional musical instruments, and community art, starting from September 18th. The event is taking place at the Tura district auditorium and the district library and is part of the department’s ambitious ‘Umbrella Project,’ aimed at rediscovering and preserving cultural heritage for future generations.

Director Dikki D Shira shed light on the inception of the Umbrella Project, emphasizing its objective of uniting various art forms under one roof. The project, first conceptualized in 2019, aspired to create a universal platform for artists to learn, compete, interact, and enhance their expertise, all while preserving their unique cultural legacy. Following the success of the inaugural chapter last year, the department was spurred to continue with the 2nd chapter of the project.

The workshop, spanning from September 18th to September 22nd, 2023, will witness renowned filmmakers, theatre and film personalities, and artists sharing their knowledge and experiences with registered participants. The sessions will focus on film making, theatre, traditional musical instruments (Chigring, dotrong), and community art employing recycled materials.

The workshop boasts a panel of distinguished resource persons, including Film Director & Scriptwriter Dominic Megam Sangma, Theatre Director & Film Actor Jyoti Narayan Nath, Fine Art Lecturer Marborsing Marbaniang, Artists Chekam A Sangma (Chigring) and Tangsrik A Sangma (Dotrong), and Balsrame A Sangma, Faculty Theatre workshop, Assam/Meghalaya, & founder of Dokaku Art & Cultural Wangala Association.

Addressing the inaugural session as the Chief Guest, Albinush R Marak, the GHADC CEM, emphasized the importance of preserving cultural identity and heritage. He urged the participants to engage attentively, emphasizing that cultural heritage is the unique identity of a community. He stressed that the workshop provides a valuable opportunity to study and learn about traditions.

Guest of Honor, West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner Jagdish Chelani, expressed his enthusiasm for digital media, advocating for subtitles to enhance learning experiences. He revealed the administration’s plans to fund youth-produced movies and encouraged more such collaborative efforts for the future.

The ‘Nokpante’ workshop holds promise in fostering talented individuals and contributing to the preservation and evolution of Garo cultural heritage. As participants engage in these immersive sessions, they aim to leave enriched with knowledge and empowered to uphold and contribute to their unique cultural legacy.