The Raid Marngar performed the ritual of goat sacrifice at Iew Mawlong, Nongpoh.


The Raid Marngar performed the ritual of goat sacrifice at Iew Mawlong, Nongpoh, which is under the Hima Mylliem on Tuesday.

The ceremony was performed by the elders of the Syiem clan known as Sohsla in Khasi and Kutwal in the Marngar language. The other clan which performed other rituals is the Damlong clan, which is a clan of the Sangot.

Speaking to The Meghalayan, the Syiem of Raid Marngar, Richard Syiem, said, “The Iew Mawlong is also known as the Hat Marngar since its inception in 1915. Even after the invasion by the British, the Raid sustained its identity to perform the rituals and the identity of the Marngar tribe. The goat sacrifice ceremony is held every April at Iew Mawlong in front of the Mawbynna in the presence of elders or representatives of the Hima Mylliem, and the rituals were performed by the selected clan in the community that is the Syiem and Damlong clan, no one else can perform the rituals except them.”

“A white goat, two roosters (black and red), the Klong, the Pu Rew (ground rice), and the sword to cut the goat are used,” he added.

“After the goat has been beheaded there is also a dance known as shad Pom Blang performed by selected participants which comprise only men from the Raid Marngar, while the dhulia plays the music with a different tune for the dance and the rituals”, Syiem said.

After the rituals, the rope used for tying the goat is kept together with the head of the goat along with betel nut, the Klong, and the intestines of the roosters. The elders pray and request protection for the people in Raid Marngar, for the people who come to the market, and the business, and for farmers so that they can increase their production.

Syiem further stated that after the rituals they sit for a meeting, and eat the meat of the goat. They also collect the musur with permission given by the Hima Mylliem once a year. In May, they clean the Iew Mawlong which is announced by the Barka.

The ceremony was attended by the Basan Nongkseh who is the caretaker of the Raid Marngar and the Iew Mawlong, Basan Nongumlong, Myntri of Hima Mylliem, Syiem of Raid Marngar, and the dhulia.