Shillong witnessed a significant milestone on Friday as it welcomed its inaugural microbrewery, ‘The Yeastern Civilization,’ located in Laitumkhrah, a bustling area frequented by locals and tourists alike. The soft launch event, attended by Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, Excise Minister Kyrmen Shylla, and other dignitaries and guests, marked the beginning of an exciting chapter for the city’s social and entrepreneurial scene.

Chief Minister expressed his enthusiasm for the venture, stating, “It’s truly heartening to witness our youth spearheading innovative projects like The Yeastern Civilization. This initiative not only enhances tourism experiences but also showcases the rich flavours of Meghalaya.”

He commended the promoters for their vision and initiative in establishing the microbrewery, which is set to utilise locally sourced ingredients such as pineapple and Khasi Mandarin, contributing to Meghalaya’s distinct flavour palette.

“This project is a great initiative. Of course, we have seen microbreweries all over the world, but for whatever reason, it never happened in Shillong until now. I’m confident that this will pave the way for a unique experience for our tourists,” the chief minister added.

Excise Minister Kyrmen Shylla praised The Yeastern Civilization’s commitment to local sourcing and sustainability, highlighting its potential to create employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth. “This establishment sets a precedent for supporting our community by involving local farmers and suppliers,” he remarked.

Apart from its brewing operations, The Yeastern Civilization boasts an inviting ambience with aesthetic lighting and pool tables, offering patrons a comfortable space to unwind and socialise. The soft launch event concluded on a high note with a performance by The Colours band, further enhancing the evening’s festivities.

The inauguration of ‘The Yeastern Civilization’ signifies a significant step forward for Shillong, promising to not only enrich its culinary landscape but also invigorate the local economy through tourism and entrepreneurship. With its focus on innovation, community engagement, and authentic flavours, the microbrewery is poised to become a cornerstone of Shillong’s hospitality sector.