As part of the upcoming Gaurav Jan Jatiya Divas (Tribal Pride Week) the Department of Arts & Culture in collaboration with the Shillong Public School organised the State level Inter-School Traditional Singing Festival cum completion at Lariti Performing Centre to provide a platform & an opportunity to budding young talents and students to showcase their traditional singing talents, as part of the celebration of tribal culture and music .

The KC Lights Choir which recently won 2 Gold Medals in the International Choir Competition also performed at the programme.
FR Kharkongor Commissioner & Secretary Arts & Culture presented awards to winnning schools in solo, and group categories to the winners and also announced that the winners would get an opportunity to perform at the Inaugural Jan Jatiya Gaurav Divas programme on November 15 & also at the upcoming Tri Hills Ensemble programme on November 24 organised by the Department of Arts & Culture.