
With Sudip Roy Barman and Asish Kumar Saha joining the Congress from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on February 8, speculations are rife that two more BJP MLAs – Burba Mohan Tripura and Diba Chandra Hrangkhawl – may soon follow suit.

On Tuesday, along with the BJP defectors, Tripura and Hrangkhawl too were seen at the residence of All-India Congress Committee leader (AICC), Rahul Gandhi, adding gist to the rumour mill.

Speaking to The Meghalayan, president of Tripura Congress Birajit Sinha said, “They are here in Delhi with me. Barman and Saha joined the Congress today. Hrangkhawl and Mohan Tripura will join us soon.”

Though no confirmation has come from the Congress while writing of this report, sources close to Barman claimed that both Mohan Tripura and Hrangkhawl are sure to defect to Congress.

Reacting to the exit of the party leaders, BJP spokesperson Subrata Chakraborty reiterated that this will not affect the performance of the party in Tripura,

“There are many speculations. I believe they have fallen into a trap. We cannot comment on their intention to visit Rahul Gandhi. Our party is watching their movement, and will take action against them, should the need arise,” Chakraborty stated.

Meanwhile, speaker of the Tripura Legislative Assembly, Ratan Chakraborty, accepted the resignation of Barman and Saha, adding that both of them have lost their membership in the assembly house.

“According to Section 364 of Business Conduct Rules, they have fulfilled all the criteria. Following a thorough examination of their resignation letters, I have accepted their application. Hence, they will be unseated from the state assembly and are no longer part of the treasury bench,” he said.

Notably, Barman, on August 29, 2021, had taken part in a meeting convened by disgruntled BJP MLAs, whose agenda was to bring to the attention of central party leadership, the “mistakes” of the Tripura BJP unit and the functioning of the state government under the chief minister, Biplab Kumar Deb. Saha, Hrangkhawl and Tripura had attended the meeting.