Jemino Mawthoh


United Democratic Party (UDP) said that the call to create a formidable regional force in the state is still open and invited other regional parties to join hands with the party.

Speaking to The Meghalayan, general secretary of the party, Jemino Mawthoh, said, “We will be happy if everybody comes on board. Our door is open, we can shed our differences and work together.”

With reports of People’s Democratic Front (PDF) MLAs’ merger with the National People’s Party (NPP) doing the rounds, the UDP general secretary was asked whether the UDP missed an opportunity to call the PDF to its fold.

It may be mentioned that PDF MLAs Banteidor Lyngdoh and Gavin Mylliem are said to be in talks with the NPP for a proposed merger.

Observing that acceptability towards the party is still there, he said, “After the people gave their mandate and taking into account all the regional parties, it comes to 19 (UDP-11, VPP- 4, HSPDP -2, and PDF- 2), with this number it is not possible to think of alternatives because people have given their mandate.”

Stating that UDP is the oldest and the strongest regional party in the state and have also received a lot of support, Mawthoh said that efforts were made to unite all the regional parties and form a formidable regional force, since the formation of the party in 1997.

“It is open to all and we are making efforts till today. We all have the same concerns. From our side, we welcome regional parties to come together. It is not a missed opportunity, our call for other regional parties to come together is still open,” he said.

According to him, the UDP wanted a stable and committed government and hence decided to extend support to the NPP-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA). He added that the party had to be content with the mandate of the people.