
Mawshynrut MDC Gigur Myrthong on Tuesday released a waste collection truck under 15th Finance Commission 2020-21 of Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC).

The programme was held at Society market ground Riangdo and was attended by ex-MLAs Witting Mawsor and H L Nongsiang, ex-MDC Morningstar Mawsor, NPP Mawshynrut working president G Sohlang, Society chairman P Nongphud, and Society secretary K Mawlong, among others.

Speaking at the programme as chief guest, Gigur Myrthong, said that the members of the cooperative society should monitor and maintain hygienic conditions and make use of the vehicle, adding “I hope that the society will provide a better service to the people of Riangdo.”

He also lauded the society for their service in maintaining Riangdo market.

Myrthong added that as a representative of the Constituency it is his duty to seek and provide various developmental schemes in the area. He said that he never plays politics while bringing development to the area.

Myrthong said that though he is no longer an MLA yet he never miss to monitor and make a follow up to various developmental schemes implemented during his tenure as MLA, and that even the current MLA has agreed to work together for the betterment of the Mawshynrut area.

He added that he never takes things personally or hates anyone, even though he lost the last election but he wants to cooperate and work for the development of the constituency as a whole.