The Meghalayan Photos


It is to the credit of the Meghalaya and Assam governments that they have made a good start to resolve the long-pending interstate border imbroglio. The various committees that the two states constituted visited several areas of difference, spoke to the stakeholders and compiled their reports and both the governments appear to have arrived at an amicable understanding based on the philosophy of give-and-take.

True, there have been voices opposed to the give-and-take formula to bring the disputes to an end. Unfortunately, though, they have not come up with an alternative approach, which is the way of those who, driven by their compulsions, know only to oppose for the sake of opposing.

According to the two governments, they have submitted their reports to the Union government for it to take a call. We have seen how the Centre can procrastinate on issues, like the demand for Inner Line Permit regime in the state, for instance. It is hoped that the Centre expedites the matter and gives its decision on the border issue. Let peace prevail in the borders so that those residing there can finally breathe a sigh of relief and move on.

Hilary B. Rajee, Shillong