A 56-year-old Adivasi woman was allegedly killed on suspicion of practicing witchcraft in Lower Assam’s Kokrajhar district on July 23.

According to the police, the incident took place at Bengaijhora near Tipkai under Bogribari police station in the Parbatjhora sub-division.

“The body of the woman was found with a pool of blood at her doorstep. It is suspected that she was hit by sharp weapons,” said a senior police official.

“It’s in the preliminary stage so we cannot say anything much about it…But yes, we have apprehended three persons in connection with the case,” the police official added.

A team of police officials led by Bogribari PS OC Jyotish Das and Tipkai OP in-charge Sadhan Sarkar arrived at the spot after information was received about the killing.

Meanwhile, the body of the woman has been sent to RNB Civil Hospital in Kokrajhar for an autopsy.

The residents of the village said the woman was not involved in witch-hunting or any other objectionable activities.

Two persons- identified as Naresh Hembrom Ramesh Hembrome and Sujit Hembrame have been arrested in connection with the killing.