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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Demand to implement rule on trade license

Paasah claimed that such violation by Himas has made people not wanting to register their land with the district council which is the custodian in safeguarding the land of the indigenous people of Meghalaya.


The Khun Hynniewtrep National Awakening Movement (KHNAM) on January 11 asked the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) to implement Section 10 (2) (vi) of the United Khasi Jaintia Hills District (Trading by Non-Tribals) Regulation, 1954 which disallow issuing trade license to non-tribals for businesses carried out by local indigenous people.

After submitting a memorandum to the KHADC chief Pyniaid Sing Syiem on the matter, KHNAM working president Thomas Passah said, ““We have demanded the KHADC to notify the Section 10 (2) (vi) of the United Khasi Jaintia Hills District (Trading by Non-Tribals) Regulation, 1954 in Iewduh and all over Shillong, Umsning, Khanapara and Nongpoh in Ri Bhoi District and other places in order to encourage tribal people to carry out different kinds of businesses which will address the unemployment problem faced by the youth of the state.”

He said section 10 (2) (vi) of the Regulation, 1954 aims at safeguarding the economic interests of the local population by not issuing trade license to non-tribals for trades which locals are depending on for their livelihood.

With regard to the Khasi Hills Autonomous District (Regulation and Administration of Land) Act, 2021, Passah said that they have lodged a complaint with the CEM as there are Himas who have violated the KHAD Regulation and Administration of Land) Act, 2021.

Passah informed that according to the section ba 6 (8) bad section 7(2) of the KHAD Regulation and Administration of Land) Act, 2021, the executive committee (EC) through the notification No.DC/RBF/261/2022/21/477 dated 04/08/23 empower the Syiem and Hima to charge certain amount when it comes to land registration.

He added that the cost for land registration for land 5000 sq ft should be Rs 2000, land with 5000 sq ft to 10000 sq ft Rs 3500, land with 10000 sq ft to 20000 sq ft Rs 7000, land with 20000 sq ft to 1 acre Rs 10,000, land with 1 acre to 10 acre should be Rs 20,000 and land with more than 10 acre should be Rs 40,000.

“We have received several complaints from landowners that there are Himas who violate the KHAD Regulation and Administration of Land) Act, 2021 by over charging for land registration hence we have demanded from the CEM to take stern action against such Himas” said Passah.

Paasah claimed that such violation by Himas has made people not wanting to register their land with the district council which is the custodian in safeguarding the land of the indigenous people of Meghalaya.

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